Food For Thought : Should Pagans be Vegan?

When approaching the Wiccan spirituality, many have questions about what is the appropriate behavior to live a life aligned with Wiccan values. Can you eat meat, or should you become vegetarian or even vegan?

There are Wiccans who choose to answer these questions in many ways. What’s important is that you explore your own connection to nature through Wiccan principles.

Let’s look at some important values to help you find the answer.


One of the central tenets of the Wiccan creed, the principle of “harm none” is at the core of our morality and actions. By decreeing that Wiccans can do anything so long as they are actively avoiding causing harm, we find greater freedom. For many Wiccans, this leads them down the path of vegetarianism – sensing that when eating meat you’re causing harm to other living beings.

Following this principle further, some Wiccans choose veganism. By construing animals not as inferior to humans but meriting equality, using them for dairy harms them by diminishing their autonomy. Many Wiccans feel comfortable using animal products if they know that the animal wasn’t harmed in their production. This means that eggs and milk are okay, but by a broader definition of harm, and the rights we owe to animals, others see veganism as the only option.


Food is one of the ways that Wiccans can build a stronger connection to the Earth. If we follow the path taken by food, it naturally leads us back to the land. This connection of food to Earth imbues what we eat with profound magickal energies, which Wiccans must feel and respect.

Food, therefore, is so much more than nutrition. These magickal energies impact different Wiccans in different ways, and for some they feel the suffering of animals in every bite.

Food also connects us to our community. If consuming dairy products is important to your rituals and traditions, then the sanctity of food may be inherent in eating animal products.


Many Wiccans feel strongly about the impact of humans upon the environment. Wicca’s interconnected and holistic perspective reveals plainly how human choices damage our environmental world, leading to climate change and great chaos. The creed of ‘harm none’ therefore, leads Wiccans to consider the broader impact of their actions.

For many people, veganism becomes inevitable through this perspective. The dairy industry contributes significantly to environmental degradation, through the release of greenhouse gases for example. Wiccan vegans see environmental harm as indistinguishable from harm to sentient beings due to the interconnectedness of everything.


Many Wiccans are led to the faith by their inherent sense of connection to nature and Wicca is a powerful way of pursuing a connection with the natural world. One way in which we can do so is by considering what we choose to eat. Purchasing meat and dairy products leads us to soulless grocery stores where prepackaged products line the shelves – an experience that is utterly, inevitably disconnected to the processes of production behind that food.

On the other hand, vegans can produce everything they need for sustenance in their own back garden. By tending to our own crops we build a deep connection with nature and the chain of growth to nourishment is unbroken. Even Wiccans who live in city settings can take advantage of this by cultivating herbs and tomatoes in window boxes.


In order to further explore the Wiccan creed, joining a coven can be a valuable element of Wiccan life.

Joining a coven means communing with other Wiccans. You’ll be expected to follow certain rules of behavior, which can include dietary habits. Certain covens will require you to respect a vegan diet at all times, while others will only mandate veganism for group meetings where food is present, such as dinners and potlucks. This might influence your own diet in your wider life.


Ultimately, for Wiccans, the choice is yours. Only by examining your relationship with the environment, your approach to food and your interpretation of living a life that does no harm can you see if your Wiccan path leads to veganism or vegetarianism. In either case, Wicca develops a strong sense of connection with our natural world, providing spiritual and holistic benefits.

How To Write Your Own Spells and Design Rituals

 Once you are capable of designing your own rituals without depending upon spell books, you will be able to truly say you are a witch. You will be free of others ideas and conceptions and able to create magic based upon your own knowledge and inspiration. It is an immensely freeing moment when you perform your first original ritual, one that you will remember as a turning point in your journey in the craft.
The point of this information is to help you achieve this step in your magical development. By utilising the tables of correspondences; information on the powers and uses of herbs, candles, crystals, and other materials, and putting this together with wording that is appropriate to your intent, you will be able to write and perform your own original rituals.

Rituals may be done for religious reasons or for more practical ones. Often the sort for a practical purpose is referred to as a spell, and the performing of it is referred to as casting a spell. Not all rituals are done for magical purposes, but all spells are. There is no reason why one could not combine a devotional portion with a spell in the same ritual. The only times that spells are not a part of ritual are the Sabbats and Esbats, which are reserved for religious purposes. At other times the two purposes may be combined.
Rituals follow a basic pattern; The circle is cast, the purpose for the ritual is stated in a spoken spell, and any actions are performed. Thanks are then given and the circle is opened.

Here I will outline 7 basic steps to follow for a complete and powerful spell. Obviously, these are just a guideline though and there are many variations and alternate practices out there.

Step 1. Decide on the purpose and timing of your spell

The first step is to actually decide the purpose of your spell. For example, is it a spell for health, or love, or to banish negativity ? Once you know your purpose, then you can start determining the timing and the elements to include. Find out the planetary correspondences for your purpose and then you will be able to determine the timing of the ritual based on this information. Next you want to work out what correspondences are associated with your goal. Do you want to use candles, herbs and/or crystals to add power to your ritual. If so, which ones coincide with your ritual intent? Which incense is most appropriate for your ritual? Once you have worked out these details, then you can move on to the wording of the spell.

Step 2. Writing your spell

The spoken words of the spell are what you use to communicate your desire or intention to the universe. They should be spoken out loud and be specific enough to clearly state your goal.
A spell does not have to rhyme – it can be spoken just as you might when talking to yourself quietly, or it can be chanted or sung. It is entirely up to you and what feels natural. If it feels awkward and fake to use “thee” and “thou”, then leave them out. Many people prefer to make their spells more formal than everyday speak so that they stand out and feel less ordinary.
If a particular date or person is involved in your spell it should be clearly stated, or if your intent is more general, your wording can be more general as well. It is not necessary to try to justify, argue or bargain with the universe to receive your desire, you simply need to state it clearly.
A powerful spell just has to come from within. If you can learn the wording off by heart, instead of just reading them from your paper, then they will be far more effective as it shows that you truly believe what you are saying.
When you are starting out, or even if you are experienced, it might help to write your wording down and plan the ritual out as a script to follow as there can be a lot to recall and you want it to flow smoothly and not have to keep breaking your circle to grab something you forgot!

Step 3. Setting up your Altar

Give yourself plenty of time to set up your altar and gather everything you require for your ritual. Pre-arrange your altar so that everything is in reach and you have enough room to work. Items may include; candles, incense, herbs, crystals, offering bowls, matches or a lighter, any talismans you use etc. Ensure that the area you choose is private and that you wont be disturbed by traffic, other people or pets.

Step 4. Cleanse and purify

The space should also be cleansed of any unwanted energies by smudging the room, spraying a purifying essence around, or sweeping it away with your besom. You also need to cleanse yourself to remove any negative energies you may have picked up. You can do this by either taking a purifying bath with the particular herbs, bath salts, or normal sea salt crystals. You can also just take a shower and allow the water to wash away negativity, or smudge yourself with sage or the like.
Some people like to also anoint themselves with certain oils to assist with intention or wear certain crystal jewellery or talismans.
During the ritual you can choose to either wear loose, comfortable natural fabric clothing, go skyclad (naked), or use a proper ritual robe.

Step 5. Conducting the Ritual

To begin a ritual you first cast a circle of protection around the area you will be working to ensure you are working in a safe space. Make yourself comfortable and even spend some time meditating and connecting to Earth, if you like.
Light your candles and incense state the purpose of your ritual. Read out your script and burn your herbs, carve your candles, or whatever is appropriate to your ritual. It is essential that you visualise the success of your ritual and achieving your goal as you perform the actions. Spend time meditating on the outcome and imagine obtaining your desire as the candles and incense burn down.
Once you feel that your ritual is complete, thank the Goddess, God, or whichever Deity you are appealing to, then open the circle and finish the ritual.

Step 6. Ground yourself.

After performing any sort of ritual and before packing up, it is good practice to spend some time grounding yourself and allowing any excess, unused energy to flow back to Earth. Some people experience physical symptoms such as headaches, exhaustion or insomnia afterwards.
Sit with your palms touching the ground and visualize the energies flowing out of you and into the Earth. You may also like to eat and drink something – traditionally cider or wine and cake were shared around for grounding and blessing.

Step 7. Tidy up and let the magic happen!

After the ritual is complete and the spell is cast don’t keep thinking about it and worrying about whether you did it properly, or whether it is going to work. You have done what you intended and sent it out into the universe, so give it time to work. BE PATIENT!
Tidy your space up and if you take down your altar between workings, put things away. Let any candles and incense used to represent your desire burn themselves down or go out naturally, however extinguish any altar candles for use next time. Crystals can be put away for future use. Put any herb, oil or crystal mixes prepared as part of the ritual into an appropriate vessel or bag for use later. Any left over bits and pieces that aren’t able to be reused, should be buried.

Please remember that you must give your efforts an opportunity to manifest themselves – if you did a spell for love, go out and meet people, if you asked for a new job, start applying for your dream one. If you asked for wealth, actually buy a lotto ticket! And when you do get what you wanted, be grateful for what you have received and spread some kindness into the world for others.

Blessed Be.

The Wiccan Rede

Bide the Wiccan Laws we must In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.
Live and let live. Fairly take and fairly give.
Cast the Circle thrice about to keep the evil spirits out.
To bind the spell every time let the spell be spake in rhyme.
Soft of eye and light of touch, Speak little, listen much.
Deosil go by the waxing moon, chanting out the Witches’ Rune.
Widdershins go by the waning moon, chanting out the baneful rune.
When the Lady’s moon is new, kiss the hand to her, times two.
When the moon rides at her peak, then your hearts desire seek.
Heed the North wind’s mighty gale, lock the door and drop the sail.
When the wind comes from the South, love will kiss thee on the mouth.
When the wind blows from the West, departed souls will have no rest.
When the wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast.
Nine woods in the cauldron go, burn them fast and burn them slow.
Elder be the Lady’s tree, burn it not or cursed you’ll be.
When the Wheel begins to turn, let the Beltane fires burn.
When the Wheel has turned to Yule, light the log and the Horned One rules.
Heed ye flower, Bush and Tree, by the Lady, blessed be.
Where the rippling waters go, cast a stone and truth you’ll know.
When ye have a true need, hearken not to others’ greed.
With a fool no season spend, lest ye be counted as his friend.
Merry meet and merry part, bright the cheeks and warm the heart.
Mind the Threefold Law you should, three times bad and three times good.
When misfortune is enow, wear the blue star on thy brow.
True in love ever be, lest thy lover’s false to thee.
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill: An ye harm none, do what ye will.

How to Burn Incense Powder

While many forms of incense, such as incense sticks, are relatively straight-forward in regards to how they are and should be burned, powder incense is usually burned over charcoal, so it is a little more involved.

Materials Needed To Burn Powder Incense

  • Powder incense.
  • Charcoal Discs.
  • An incense burner suitable for charcoal.
  • A long lighter or matches.

How to Burn Powdered Incense

  1. Light your charcoal disc and carefully place it within your charcoal incense burner. It’s important to never handle hot charcoal with your hands. Metal tongs are recommended for handling charcoal, including while lighting. Apply flame to your charcoal disc for roughly 20 to 30 seconds. If your charcoal is self-lighting then it should begin to ignite.
  2. You should now wait for the charcoal to warm up. This can take about 2 to 3 minutes. You’ll know it’s ready because the charcoal will begin to turn grey around the edges of the disc.
  3. Now you may place your powder incense or similar material on top of the hot charcoal. The fragrances should begin to release almost immediately.

Bay Leaf Benefits

Bay leaf has been found to reduce blood sugar levels and prevent type 2 diabetes in people with high-risk factors for the disease. It’s also great for improving hair growth, reducing dandruff, and treating an itchy scalp. Bay leaf can also help get your digestion back on track. A few studies suggest bay leaf could be helpful to destroy cancer cells.

Health Benefits Of Bay Leaf

  • Promotes heart health
  • Aids digestion
  • Hastens wound healing
  • Treats kidney stones
  • Improves hair growth

You might know bay leaves as a flavor in Asian dishes. It’s a refreshing and aromatic herb. But several people are unaware that bay leaf is incredible for your health as well. Bay leaf aka bay-laurel comes from the family lauraceae. Used widely in traditional medicine, the herb is also regarded as a symbol of honour. Ancient Greeks would crown their war heroes and Olympians with a wreath of bay leaves.

Bay leaves are popularly used in soups, rice, stews, and other dishes packed with flavor. Here’s why you should consider including them in your life too.

1. Controls Diabetes

Health Benefits of Bay leaf: Controls Diabetes

One study revealed that people who had ground bay leaves twice a day reduced their blood sugar level. It found that bay leaves contains compounds that can help process insulin at an efficient rate. Bay leaves are also beneficial to people with a high risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The study also noted a dip in total cholesterol levels.

2. Promotes Heart Health

Health Benefits of Bay leaf: Promotes Heart Health

Bay leaf contains rutin and caffeic acid. These compounds have been found to toughen the walls of your heart and decrease cholesterol levels. High cholesterol levels can lead to a buildup of plaque and this could cause a heart attack or a stroke.

3. Aids Digestion

Health Benefits of Bay leaf: Aids Digestion

Constipated? Bloated? Bay leaf can help get your digestion back on track. In ayurveda, bay leaf is considered to help with your digestive fire. It helps you remove excess toxin from the body because of its diuretic (something that increases urination) property and stimulate digestive juices. Also, the enzymes present in bay leaf have been found to help break food down efficiently, useful for people with irritable bowel syndrome or any other digestive issue. One study suggested bay leaves could help reduce the symptoms of celiac disease as well.

4. Relieves Pain

Health Benefits of Bay leaf: Relieves Pain

Bay leaf also contains anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it beneficial to reduce pain in people suffering from any sort of sprain, joint issues, and even arthritis. You could create a paste of ground bay leaf and castor leaves. Apply the paste on the affected areas and let it rest for 20 minutes. Also, massaging bay leaf oil on your forehead is an ancient remedy to treat a headache.

5. Boosts Anti-Cancer Effects

Health Benefits of Bay leaf: Boosts Anti-Cancer Effects

A few studies suggest bay leaf could be helpful to destroy cancer cells. This is because it is packed with phytonutrients and catechins – compounds that can tackle cancer cells. One study revealed bay leaf extracts helped eliminate breast cancer cells.

6. Hastens Wound Healing

Health Benefits of Bay leaf: Hastens Wound Healing

Using a bay leaf paste to treat wounds and scars is an age-old remedy. This is thanks to its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. It can also be useful to treat fungal infections like candida.

7. Soothes An Irritated Throat And Reduces Cough

Health Benefits of Bay leaf: Soothes An Irritated Throat And Reduces Cough

Another amazing feature about bay leaves is its ability to clear up your respiratory system. If you have a cold or a nasty cough, bay leaf can help unclog stuffy air passages and get rid of bacteria. Boil 4–5 bay leaves in water. Once it’s cooled slightly, soak a washcloth in the bay leaf water and apply it on your chest. Make sure the cloth isn’t extremely hot before applying it anywhere on your body.

8. Treats Kidney Stones

Health Benefits of Bay leaf: Treats Kidney Stones

One study revealed that bay leaf could help reduce the level of urease in your body. When you have a lot of urease, it could lead to the development of kidney stones and other gastric problems.

9. Fights Anxiety And Stress

Health Benefits of Bay leaf: Fights Anxiety And Stress

If you are finding it difficult to unwind at the end of your day, try a cup of bay leaf tea. This is known to calm your nerves, prevent anxiety, and even induce sleep. You could have a cup before you sleep.

10. Improves Hair Growth And Treats Dandruff

Health Benefits of Bay leaf: Improves Hair Growth And Treats Dandruff

Struggling with dandruff and hair loss? Try bay leaf. It’s an ancient remedy to fix any sort of hair issue since the leaves are packed with hair-friendly compounds. Boil a few bay leaves in water. Let it cool down a bit. Rinse your hair and scalp with this water. Make sure to do it after shampooing your hair. Want something for an itchy scalp? Grind bay leaves and mix it with coconut oil. Apply this to your scalp and let it rest for 30 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water.

While bay leaf is generally considered safe, it isn’t recommended for pregnant or nursing mothers since bay leaf could cause uterine contractions. Also, it is recommended people should stop eating bay leaf two weeks before any surgery, especially if it’s related to the central nervous system.

See Bay Leaves here 

Karma and Karmic Release

What is a Spell