Altar Bells

While the purpose and meaning of bells varies widely among these different traditions, it’s generally recognised that the ringing of a bell communicates a message of some kind, to entities in the spirit world.
Some people refer to it as a “witch’s bell” to distinguish it from bells used for other purposes.

The clear, healing tone of a bell can have a few different effects. The bell’s vibrations can banish unwanted spirits and/or negative energies, call in positive, desired energetic influences, and/or simply clear stagnant energy in any space throughout one’s home. Sound affects energy on a physical level—because sound is energy—and so the bell is both a physical and a symbolic tool in Wiccan practice.
When you acquire your bell, spend some time holding it in your hands and pay attention to the physical sensations in your body as you do so. Then ring it gently and note how your own energy changes. Use this sensory information to guide you as you decide how and when to use it in ritual and magic. The bell is one tool that will truly “speak” to you if you are willing to quiet your mind and listen!